Migration / Transfer Rules

Migration is only allowed to and from any Public Sector University accredited by PEC and foreign university(ies) recognized by Higher Education Commissions (HEC).

Migration / Transfer is not allowed to the students in the first and final years with less than 50% Credit Hours required for the degree.

Migration / Transfer is allowed only in the cases of extreme hardship for the students or if it is considered in the best interest of the University by the competent authority. The decision of the University is final and binding in this regard.

The students failing in previous Semesters (i-e- less than 50% marks) shall not be eligible for admission on migration/transfer basis.

The migration / transfer of the local students would be allowed on the payment of Rs. 840,000/- (Rupees Eight Hundred Forty Thousand Only) to the Mehran UET; while foreign students would be required to pay Rs. 1,260,000/- (Rupees One Million Two Hundred Sixty Thousand Only) as migration fee. The nominees are required to submit NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC) of the nominating agency.

Admission on migration basis will be made up to fourth week of the start of the classes of particular session.

The migration cases be reported within the same semester to PEC. NOC be also obtained in the light of Article-3(d) of PEC Regulations.

Migration / Transfer is not allowed to the students admitted on reciprocal basis.